Dec 12, 2020

3D Polyhedron Owl Craft

This Owl Polyhedra we created by using geometric hexagon shapes stringed together to make a 3D shape and then drawing and painting onto the flat faces turning it into a polyhedron owl. Learn about geometry and 2D and 3D shapes while you recreate this craft or be inspired to create another type of polyhedra with your unique owl design.

We love the twist and turns of the creative process, evolving ideas as the process changes into new and interesting designs. This definitely was one of those processes. What started as a geometric hexagon polyhedra turned into a 3D owl.

A polyhedra in geometry is a three dimensional shape that is created by combining other two dimensional shapes together. The flat polygonal faces can consist of numerous types of shapes like a triangle, square, circle, hexagon, pentagon etc. A cube is a great example of a type of polyhedra, with square flat sides put together creating the 3 dimensional cube.

The initial idea was to trace and cut out several hexagons from old cereal boxes and start stringing them together through holes we punched in the corners. We planned to make some sort of polyhedra with the hexagons, but in order to make a polyhedra with hexagons some square spaces needed to remain open because you can‘t create a polyhedra entirely with hexagon shapes. This created interesting empty spaces that made it easy to lend its shape as an owl. Our muse this week, being the owl. We immediately saw how this hexagon polyhedra could become a 3D owl craft.

One of the most fascinating things about an owl is their ability to rotate their head around extremely far (up to 270 degrees in each direction) which makes it look like their face is everywhere. It was these natural movements of the owl that inspired us to turn the polyhedra craft into not only a 3D owl but one with multiple sides and multiple heads from each direction.


  1. Recycled thin cardboard box

  2. Hole puncher

  3. String

  4. Acrylic paint

  5. Permanent Markers


A full collaboration between adult and child, depending on the child’s skill level an adult may need to work together with the child or have older kids working with younger ones.

1. Cut out 13 hexagon shapes - 6 for each of the two sides and one for on the bottom.

2. Punch holes into each pointed corner edge - 6 holes on each hexagon.

3. String the pieces of hexagon together by lining up each punched hole and tying a knot. Start with three and use one string, then use a string for each two holes. See images for further details.

4. Paint the owl design;

We painted the hexagon shapes the colours of the rainbow for an underlying base, then added a layer of white paint back over some of the hexagons. The wings were kept brightly painted, and we drew some line work over the paint with permanent marker for feathers. Then, added V’s on the owl‘s bellies on each side.

The two upper, middle hexagons were turned into the faces of the owl. That way if we flip it around, we’ll have two different expressions to show off. Additionally, we put a face on the bottom so if you tilt it on its side, it has an appearance of flying.

Check out this video taken of the Northern Pygmy Owl:

We were also inspired by The Northern Pygmy Owl that we saw sitting in the trees. It has mesmerizing large yellow eyes but the markings on the back of its head is just as noteworthy. The two dark coloured spots on the back of its head look like eyes too and is often referred to as “false eyes”. Although, it’s head can turn freakishly far, the markings make it seem like the head is turning all the way around. This confuses predators and can easily scare off any predators approaching from behind.

In the end, the process was fascinating, and we ended up with a fun craft to be proud of! Have fun exploring shapes and patterns! Feel free to tag us on Instagram @acorns.and.aprons if you create this owl craft, we would love to see your design!

#geometrycraft #geometry #craftsforkids #polyhedra #polyhedroncraft #owlcraft